I understand the piece of value statements for preselecting of membership. That could of course be guided by all kinds of other mechanisms (like onboarding interviews or agreement with the overall aim and mission) but preselection to align membership is a good idea.
Removing people from a group probably follows a policy/agreement (I hope!) and not simply a judgment call of one person of whether or not they fit “the culture”. In that case, I’m more curious about the policy and accountability than the description of culture.
Have you by any chance read “Humankind”? It describes how even “bad” acts come from good intentions. So if for example a culture document says to “be respectful”, and someone behaves in a particular way in a FB group, it might be that they consider themselves respectful but others don’t. In Nonviolent Communication jargon, all we observe is the strategy they chose; we have no idea what their need or intention was and I find it hard to judge. Many culture guides focus on needs/values/intentions but they’re hardly observable. And if they are focusing on concrete strategies (“this is what’s allowed, and this isn’t” etc.) then they’re policy documents or workflows.